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Kang Threats to Validity

1 minute read

Threats to Validity in Kang et al. (2020) Rapidly measuring spatial accessibility of COVID-19 healthcare resources: a case study of Illinois, USA. While my ...

Provenance, Error, and Uncertainty

1 minute read

Uncertainty in Geographic Research Figure 6.1 Chapter 6, “Uncertainty,” by Longley et al. (2008) As a member of a geography research team, I have been a...

Geography’s Reproducibility Crisis

2 minute read

Open Source GIS as a Solution to Geography’s Reproducibility Crisis To what extent does open source GIS help solve the problems of the reproducibility cr...

Is GIS a Science?

1 minute read

GIS as a tool, or a science. When reflecting on the article “GIS: Tool or science? Demystifying the persistent ambiguity of GIS as ‘tool’ versus ‘science.’”...

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Reproducing Spielman (2020)

less than 1 minute read

Reproducing Spielman el al. (2020) Reproducing Evaluating social vulnerability indicators: criteria and their application to the Social Vulnerability Index ...

Reproducing Malcomb (2014)

3 minute read

Takeaways from Reproducing Malcomb (2014) Vulnerability, also called Household Resistance, is the main result calculated in Malcomb et al (2014). The vulne...

Reproducing Chakraborty (2021)

1 minute read

Takeaways from Reproducing Chakraborty (2021) Reproducing this study has highlighted the multitude of decisions made by researchers behind the scenes for ...

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